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Saeed Al Kubaisi and Omar Al Suwaidi win gold for the United Arab Emirates at the World Combat Games in Riyadh

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    Abu Dhabi: The UAE Jiu-Jitsu National Team, sponsored by Mubadala Investment Company, kicked off the World Combat Games performance in Riyadh in style, clinching two gold medals on Tuesday. The outstanding performances by Omar Al Suwaidi (56 kg) and Saeed Al Kubaisi (85 kg) marked the first day of the jiu-jitsu competitions at the event, hinting at a promising run for the team in the upcoming day.

    Khaled Al Shehhi (62 kg), Abdullah Al Kubaisi (94 kg), and Hessa Al Shamsi (52 kg) are eagerly anticipating their upcoming matches as they aim to shine for the National Team on Wednesday, October 25. Building upon the stellar performance from Tuesday and the team’s prior successes at major international events this year, including the Asian Games, Asian Championship, and World Championships, the team exhibits the same determination and enthusiasm.

    Mubarak Al Menhali, the Director of the Technical Department at the UAE Jiu-Jitsu Federation, noted that the National Team demonstrated their strength and skill during the first day's competitions, acing their initial test with a flawless record, achieving a 100% gold-winning rate.

     They demonstrated their unwavering continental and international supremacy and reaffirmed their status as champions, consistently striving to ascend the podium and bring honor to the nation on the global jiu-jitsu stage.

    Al Menhali added, “Our champions rose to the occasion, showing remarkable physical and mental prowess during their matches. They excelled against a field of the world’s strongest and most experienced players, driven by their determination to ensure their participation in this tournament would add to their impressive track record, including their recent triumph at the Asian Games.”

     Al Menhali extended his heartfelt congratulations to Omar Al Suwaidi and Saeed Al Kubaisi, for their exceptional performances and their role in raising the nation’s flag on the podium. He expressed optimism that the National Team’s chance to accumulate more medals in the competition remains strong.

    Omar Al Suwaidi, who secured the gold medal in the 56 kg category, shared his excitement: “I am thrilled to have achieved the gold medal, to stand on the podium, and to add another remarkable achievement to our nation’s illustrious history on the global stage. This accomplishment is the result of relentless dedication, continuous training, and invaluable support from our wise leadership, who have been instrumental in preparing us for the world stage. I am fully prepared to face any challenges that come my way with a mindset of victory and triumph.”

    Saeed Al Kubaisi, who claimed gold in the 85 kg weight category, emphasised that the achievements are the product of a clear strategy and an ambitious vision. He commended the efforts made by the Federation and the technical staff in terms of qualification and training to reach the desired skill levels. He added, “We have major events coming up and we eagerly anticipate competing on multiple fronts and securing further achievements for our nation.”



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    Name: Karen Wells

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    Introduction: My name is Karen Wells, I am a ingenious, tenacious, enterprising, apt, resolved, dedicated, unreserved person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.